
1966 world cup & champagne?

Picture of Björnstierne Antonsson

Björnstierne Antonsson

Our friends at Clos & Cru will hold a charity auction in support of the Samaritans, a registered UK charity helping people in crisis.

#EnglandMagnum Auction @ClosCru to benefit The Central London Branch of the Samaritans Charitable Donation

While Clos & Cru is acting as seller, we will be donating all profits above the bottle cost to the Central London branch of the Samaritans, a charity registered in England and Wales (219432) and incorporated in England and Wales as a company limited by guarantee (757372).

Central London Samaritans is the only emotional support service in London open round the clock, every single day of the year. Every year they receive over 100,000 calls for help from people who are struggling to cope. Their volunteers provide a safe space for people to talk about whatever’s troubling them. They listen. And they help people to work through their problems and find the strength to find solutions that work for them. More info here & how to bid here.

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