1952-2002 – the 50th birthday of Bollinger R.D.

I was invited by the Swedish importer to taste the anniversary vintage of Bollinger R.D. @ F12studio. The tasting was held by Assistant Chef des Caves Denis…
I was invited by the Swedish importer to taste the anniversary vintage of Bollinger R.D. @ F12studio. The tasting was held by Assistant Chef des Caves Denis…
M. Richard Juhlin a été nommé chevalier de la Légion d’Honneur par décret du Président de la République française, M. François Hollande. Les insignes de chevalier
Champagneexperten Richard Juhlin utnämns till Riddare av Franska Hederslegionen enligt ett beslut av Frankrikes president François Hollande. Utnämningen delas ut av Frankrikes ambassadör Jean-Pierre Lacroix
M. Richard Juhlin is awarded the chevalier de la Légion d’Honneur by a decrete by the Président of the French Republic, M. François Hollande. The award is
Sweden had great sucess at ‘The Cookbook World Championsships 2014′ in Beijing, or World Gourmand Awards 2014, as it is called officially. Six Swedish publications
It’s always great to be able to present new excitiing bubbles in The CHAMPAGNEBAR by Richard Juhlin. This week it’s time for Charles Dufour from Landreville
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