Fast food for a gentleman 5.0 – brandade of smoked cod

This weekend TheChampagneSommelier wanted to make something classic to fit as a partner for a really full-bodied Pinot-driven Champagne. After a tour down to his…
This weekend TheChampagneSommelier wanted to make something classic to fit as a partner for a really full-bodied Pinot-driven Champagne. After a tour down to his…
Every Friday TheChampagneSommelier will ask 5 questions about 5 coeur de bouteilles to friends and Champagne lovers from near and far. This week we had a bubbly
Every Friday TheChampagneSommelier will ask 5 questions about 5 coeur de bouteilles to friends and Champagne lovers from near and far. This Week we tok a bubbly
For a long time I have had my doubts about one of the gastronomic world’s most classic combinations – Champagne Brut and black caviar. Over…
This is one of my favorite recipes to match with Champagne – Parsley-fried frog legs with truffle risotto… Log in or sign up to unlock
During the 2000s, the conversation in and about Champagne has partly changed. A new generation of winegrowers has begun to take care of their fantastic…
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