The winemaker Clément gave me and my VIP group a wonderful privilege where we had the opportunity to look into the crystal ball of the Clos des Pompadours and taste nine different vintages on magnum. Six of them ‘prerelease’ disgorged without dosage one hour in advance. All impressed emphatically and showed that Clos des Pompadours is a world-class wine that is characterized by the austere chalk from the location with pure belemnit chalk and at the same time by the concentration in the fruit from the old vines. Champagne legend – Pommery ‘Les Clos Pompadour

Pommery ‘Clos Pompadour‘ is a brand new wine; only a few bottles produced, Magnums of course. The vineyard is located directly on top of Pommery’s cellar, and the fragrance is accordingly. Try to get a guided tour of the cellar the same day as you enjoy the wine in the park, to fully understand the monumental influence chalk has on the wine’s character. Also, there is a ringing pure, while at the same time rich, Chardonnay that will embed your taste buds in delightful well-being. The first time I visited this bubbling Mecca, I had a simple Pommery ‘Brut Royal‘. There are certain similarities in style, and my thoughts nostalgically went back to the innocent times when all of the hidden treasures of Champagne still lay ahead of me. The pleasure derived from the present moment, in the company of one of the wine world’s greatest, was a little less exuberant, but at the same time so much deeper and concordant. We experienced an unforgettable moment together, in a historical epicentre which carries the promises of many future grand meetings of people, champagne, and Les Crayères – something you as a Champagne Hiker also can be a part of.
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