We were specially invited to a timeless and luxurious Lunch at Deutz with amazing Vinothèque-wines. As one of the greatest high spots of the journey we would taste one of the very few remaining magnums of Deutz Blanc de Noirs d´Aÿ Vinothèque. One of the best and most famous champagnes in the world with an auction price of 14,000 euros.

RJ ON DEUTZ In 1838 two Germans, William Deutz and Pierre Glederman, founded this distinguished firm in Aÿ. Deutz was hit hard during the Champagne Uprising of 1911. The house was long run by André Lallier, who has made large investments in other wine districts. Notable among these properties are Delas in the Rhône Valley, Maison Deutz in California, as well as another site producing sparkling wine in the Loire Valley. In 1993, Louis Roederer gained a majority stockholding in Deutz.
Nowadays the firm is ably run by the very likeable Fabrice Rosset. Winemaker is Michel Davesne. Seventy-five percent of the grapes are bought from grand cru and premier cru villages. Deutz themselves own land in five villages. The property is among the most beautiful in Champagne, and even the wines are very distinguished.
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