Information and inspiration Rj have taken from the following sources:
- Aimé Adnet ‘Le Mesnil sur Oger’ 1985
- John Arlott ‘Krug, House of Champagne’ 1976
- Essi Avellan ‘Champagne, a Guide’ 2017
- Francois Bonal ‘Aÿ, Cite Champenoise’ 1998
- Bénédict Beaugé ‘Champagne images et imaginaire’ 1998
- Michael Broadbent ‘The Great Vintage Winebook II’ 1991
- Boulton, Singelton, Bisson, Kunkee ‘Principles and Practices of Winemakin’, 1999
- Jean-Marie Curien ‘Guide Curien de la Champagne’ 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1999, 2015, 2016
- Michel Dovaz ‘l’Encyclopédie des vins de Champagne’ 1983
- Hubrecht Duijker ‘The Wines of the Loire, Alsace and Champagne’ 1983
- Dussert-Gerber ‘The Best French Wines’ 1989
- Michael Edwards ‘The Champagne Companion’ 1994
- Michael Edwards ‘The Finest wines of Champagne’ 2009
- Nicholas Faith ‘The Story of Champagne’ 1988
- Colin Fenton ‘Salon le Mesnil’ 1981
- Patrick Forbes ‘The Wine, the Land and the People’ 1967
- André Garcia ‘Grandes Marques & Maisons de Champagne’ 1982
- Rosemary George ‘The Wine Dictionary’ 1989
- Gilbert & Gaillard ‘Le Guide des Meilleurs Champagnes’ 1996
- Eric Glatre ‘Champagne Guide’ 1999
- Tim Hanni ‘The Cause and Effect of Food Wine’ 1999
- Don Hewitson ‘The Glory of Champagne’ 1989
- Michel Jamais ‘Vin & Gastronomi’ 2001
- Andrew Jefford ‘The magic of Champagne’ 1993
- Peter Liem ‘Champagne – The Essential Guide to the wines, producers and terrors of the iconic region’ 2017
- Maggie Mcnie ‘Champagne’ 1999
- Jane MacQuitty ‘Pocket guide to Champagne and sparkling Wines’ 1986
- Cyril Ray ‘Bollinger’ 1971
- Jancis Robinson ‘Druvor och viner’ 1986
- André Simon ‘The History of Champagne’ 1962
- Tom Stevenson ‘Champagne’ 1986
- Tom Stevenson ‘The Millennium Champagne & Sparkling Wine Guide’ 1998
- Tom Stevenson ‘World Encyclopedia of Champagne & Sparkling Wine’ 1998
- Serena Sutcliffe ‘A Celebration of Champagne’ 1988
- André Simon ‘Champagne’ 1949
- André Simon ‘The History of Champagne’ 1962
- Steve L. Taylor ‘Wine Science’ 2000
- Lars Torstenson ‘Att tillverka vin’ 1997
- Pamela Vandyke Price ‘The Wines of Champagne’ 1984
- Henry Vizetelly ‘A History of Champagne’ 1882
As well as from the champagne producers’ websites and magazines such as
- Fine Wine Magazine
- Decanter
- Winespectator
- Wine International
- La Revue de Champagne.
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