
Richard Juhlin’s ten ‘musts’ in Champagne

Picture of Richard Juhlin

Richard Juhlin

The easiest way to get to Champagne is by flying into Charles de Gaulle in Paris. Then, you can easily drive the nine miles to Épernay and Reims or go by the fast TGV trains. If you are on a road trip in France, Champagne is the perfect side trip from Paris or a stopover on the way home from southern climes.


Route touristique du Champagne

A certain geographic perspective is helpful in order to gain a true understanding of the scope of the drink. The champagne route winds its way between picturesque villages and rolling vineyards. Pause at the wineries to learn the difference between Chardonnay and Pinot Noir, or just to breathe in the fresh chalky air that sweeps in over the hills. If the weather allows bring along a chilled bottle from one of the neighbouring village growers and enjoy a little champagne picnic. Champagne has 5600 producers so there are plenty of undiscovered treasures to be found. In addition, the people are very friendly and it is easy to find friends for life.

For those having even the slightest interest in architecture the magnificent gothic masterpiece Notre Dame de Reims is a must. The cathedral’s interior is overwhelming and beautiful with a nave that is 40 meters high and 115 meters long. Some of the shimmering blue stained-glass windows were painted by Chagall and the rose window has an almost supernatural sacred lustre. For me the façade is the most powerful part. Try standing in the middle of the square and looking up. It is to say the least a dizzying sight. France has many famous churches, but the question is whether any other has such a grandiose harmony and elegance as this cathedral.
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